Elders in Action, the Hollywood Senior Center and the Neighborhood Association, invite you to the April 26th Candidates Forum.

Saturday, April 26
12:30pm- 3:00pm
(doors open at noon)

Forum Schedule

Amber Kerns-Johnson – Welcome and Summary of Event (4 minutes)

Bill Gentile, Moderator – Statement of Rules and Format (5 minutes
-Answers will be timed, when time is up – we move on
-Warning card for 30 seconds remaining and another whene time is up
-Answer the question that is asked and address answers to the audience – not other candidates
-We are interested in YOUR credentials and knowledge on the issues

12:40 to 1:40 County Commission Candidates

County Chair – Patty Burkett, Jim Francesconi, Deborah Kafoury, Aquiles Montas, Steven Reynolds, Wes Soderback (6 candidates)

A question is asked and each candidate has two minutes to answer it.
(12 minutes)

A second question is asked and each candidate has two minutes to answer it. (12 minutes)

County Commissioner, District 1 – Jules Bailey, Brian Wilson
(2 candidates)

A question is asked and each candidate has two minutes to answer it.
(4 minutes)

A second question is asked and each candidate has two minutes to answer it. (4 minutes)

County Commissioner, District 2 – Bruce Broussard, Kelvin Hall, Teresa L. Raiford, Loretta Smith (4 candidates)

A question is asked and each candidate has two minutes to answer it.
(8 minutes)

A second question is asked and each candidate has two minutes to answer it. (8 minutes)

Multnomah County Auditor – Steve March (1 candidate)
One question asked. (2 minutes)

Multnomah County Sherriff – Dan Staton (1 candidate)
One question asked (2 minutes)

1:30 to 2:30 City Council Candidates

Portland City Commissioner, Position 2 – Michael Durrow, Nick Fish, Sharon Maxwell (3 candidates)

A question is asked and each candidate has two minutes to answer it.
(6 minutes)

A second question is asked and each candidate has two minutes to answer it. (6 minutes)

Portland City Commissioner, Position 3 – Nicholas Caleb, Leah Marie Dumas, Joe Meyer, Dan Saltzman (4 candidates)

A question is asked and each candidate has two minutes to answer it.
(8 minutes)

A second question is asked and each candidate has two minutes to answer it. (8 minutes)

Portland City Auditor – Mary Hull Caballero (1 candidate)
One question asked (2 minutes)

2:30 to 2:45 Metro Candidates

Metro, Chair – Tim Hughes, Jeremiah Johnson (2 candidates)

A question is asked and each candidate has two minutes to answer it.
(4 minutes)

A second question is asked and each candidate has two minutes to answer it. (4 minutes)

Metro, District 1 – Shirley Craddick
One question asked (2 minutes)

2:45 to 3:00 Ballot Measure

A question is asked and each side has two minutes to answer it.
(4 minutes)

A second question is asked and each side has two minutes to answer it. (4 minutes)

We hope to see you there!

Jo Schaefer
Hollywood Neighborhood Association

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