The Hollywood Boosters is the oldest business district organization in Portland. We are a not-for-profit group whose purpose is to bring together all merchants, business and professional people of the Hollywood District. Together, we work to develop the district economically and socially, to create a community consciousness for the greatest possible growth. We use our resources to promote community advertising and to encourage co-operation and co-ordination for the advancement of business in the neighborhood.


As a Member

As a member, you will receive a free listing on this website as well as other excellent benefits. To add your name to our membership just click to join us. Once the pandemic is over, we will return to meeting on a monthly basis on the first Wednesday of every month for lunch.


What We Do

HBBA has been involved in a wide variety of events and activities that support the Hollywood Business District. We have a welcoming committee for new businesses. The Association is always ready to consider new ideas and new ways that we might help businesses in our historical district. We installed and maintain the furniture at Kelly Plaza and we installed the Hollywood sign at the Hollywood Tri-Met stop. HBBA has launched this new website to support businesses and to draw consumers to our dynamic district.



Hollywood Clean and Safe
Business Crime Prevention Network
Maintain a flag pole in the heart of Hollywood
Junior Rose Parade
Veterans Parade
Community Clean Ups
Maintain street planters
Art Fair in partnership with the Portland Art Guild at the 42nd Street Station
Decorate for the holidays
Giving Tree in the 42nd Street Station
Holiday Caroling
Business networking socials and monthly lunches (will return after COVID restrictions)